soon: 1) скоро, вскоре Ex: pretty soon довольно скоро Ex: come again soon приходите поскорее опять Ex: it is cold here in the morning but it soon warms up по утрам здесь холодно, но потом быстро теплеет E
as soon as ever i can: as soon as ever I canкак только я смогуas soon as ever i canкак только я смогу
as soon as look at you: adv infml He would cheat you as soon as look at you — Он тебя обманет и глазом не моргнет
as soon as maybe etc: adv infml He'll join us as soon as maybe — Он подойдет с минуты на минуту If he starts any of his nonsense with my daughter, I'll kick him out of the house as soon as look at him — Если он